Field Mappings
The shared data of ebs fields for Dynamics are described in the following:

The data shared between ebs and Dynamics 365 is described in the following table.
Data Group | Dynamics Entity Name | Ebs Entity | Notes |
Courses | Product | unit_instance / unit_instance_occurrences | Overnight synchronisation |
Course Type | verifiers (QUALIFICATION_TYPE) | Overnight synchronisation | |
Subject Area | topics | Overnight synchronisation | |
Departments | organisation_units | Overnight synchronisation | |
School (Faculty) | organisation_units | Overnight synchronisation | |
ModeofAttendance | modes_of_provision | Overnight synchronisation | |
Calendar Occurrences | calendar_occurrences | Overnight synchronisation | |
Learners | Learner | people and addresses | Overnight synchronisation and/or Triggered synchronisation |
Country | verifiers (COUNTRY) | Overnight synchronisation | |
Schools (institution) | schools | Overnight synchronisation | |
Ethnicity | Verifiers (ETHNICITY) | Overnight synchronisation | |
Applications | Application | people_units | Overnight synchronisation and/or Triggered synchronisation |
Application Progress Codes | progress_codes | Overnight synchronisation | |
Enrolments | Enrolment | people_units | Overnight synchronisation and/or Triggered synchronisation |
Enrolment Progress Codes | progress_codes | Overnight synchronisation |
The field data and the mapping of ebs fields for Dynamics are described in the following:

The field mappings for reference data are described in the following table.
Level | Dynamics Entity | ebs Table |
Reference Entities | Calendar Occurrence | calendar_occurrences |
Country | verifiers (COUNTRY) | |
Course | unit_instances and unit_instance_occurrences | |
Department | organisation_units | |
Ethnicity | verifiers (ETHNICITY) | |
Mode of Attendance | modes_of_provision | |
Nationality | verifiers (COUNTRY) | |
Recruitment Status | progress_codes | |
School (Faculty) | organisation_units | |
School (Organisation) | schools | |
Subject Area | topics | |
Course Type | verifiers (QUALIFICATION_TYPE) | |
Enrolment Status | progress_codes |

The field mappings for contact data are described in the following table.
Level | Dynamics Entity | ebs Table |
Contact (Learners) | Address 1: City | town |
Address 1: Country | country | |
Address 1: County1 | region | |
Address 1: Street1 | address_line_1 | |
Address 1: Street2 | address_line_2 | |
Address 1: Street3 | address_line_3 | |
Address 1: Post Code | uk_post_code_1 and uk_post_code_2 | |
Address 2: City | town | |
Address 2: Country | country | |
Address 2: County | Region | |
Address 2: Street1 | address_line_1 | |
Address 2: Street2 | address_line_2 | |
Address 2: Street3 | address_line_3 | |
Address 2: Post Code | uk_post_code_1 and uk_post_code_2 | |
Date of Birth | date_of_birth | |
Country | country_of_domicile | |
Ethnicity | ethnicity | |
Nationality | nationality | |
Previous Institution | school | |
Title | title | |
Email Address1 | personal_email | |
Email Address2 | college_email | |
Gender | sex | |
Mobile Phone | mobile_phone_number | |
Known As | known_as | |
Home Phone | telephone | |
First Name | forename | |
Last Name | surname | |
Middle Name | middle_names | |
Do not allow Bulk Emails | - | |
Do not allow Bulk Mails | - | |
Do not Email | - | |
Do not Mail | - | |
Do not Phone | - |

The field mappings for applications are described in the following table.
Level | Dynamics Entity | ebs Table |
Applications | Occurrence | calocc_occurrence_code |
Course Code | unit_instance_code | |
Date of Application | created_date/ progress_date/ record_date | |
Department | org_code | |
Mode of Attendance | mode_of_attendance | |
Programme | uio_id | |
Student/Learner | person_code | |
Application Notes | notes | |
Application Status | progress_code | |
School | org_code (parent of owning_org) | |
Enquiry Source | source_type |

The field mappings for enrolments are described in the following table.
Level | Dynamics Entity | ebs Table |
Enrolments | Department | owning_org |
Enquiry Source | source_type | |
Enrolment Status | progress_code | |
Originating Application | associated_people_units_id | |
Course | uio_id | |
School | org_code (parent of owning_org) | |
Student/Learner | person_code | |
Occurrence | calocc_code |
The field data and the mapping of Dynamics to ebs are described in the following:

The field mappings for Dynamics Contact to ebs Person are described in the following table.
Source TDX Field | ebs API field | Notes |
Last Name | Surname | - |
Birth Date | DateOfBirth | - |
First Name | Forename | - |
Middle Name | MiddleNames | - |
Title | Title | - |
Gender | Gender | - |
Mobile Phone | MobilePhoneNo | - |
Email Address2 | CollegeEmail | - |
Email Address1 | PersonalEmailAddress | - |
Country | CountryOfDomicile | - |
Nationality | Nationality | - |
“H” | Addresses.AddressType | Based on default address type in ebs. |
Address 1: Street 1 | Addresses.Line1 | - |
Address 1: Street 2 | Addresses.Line2 | - |
Address 1: Street 3 | Addresses.Line3 | - |
Address 1: City | Addresses.Town | - |
Address 1: Country | Addresses.Country | - |
Address 1: County | Addresses.Region | - |
Address 1: Post Code | Addresses.PostCode.Full | - |

The field mappings for Dynamics Organisation to ebs Organisation are described in the following table.
Source TDX Field | ebs API field | Notes |
Organisation Number | OrganisationCode | - |
“EMPLOYER” | OrganisationType | - |
Organisation Name | FullName | - |
Telephone 1 | TelephoneNumber | - |
“N” | IsInternal | - |
“O” | AddressType | Based on default address type in ebs. |
Address 1: Street 1 | Line1 | - |
Address 1: Street 2 | Line2 | - |
Address 1: Street 3 | Line3 | - |
Address 1: City | Town | - |
Address 1: Country | Country | - |
Address 1: County | Region | - |
Address 1: Post Code | PostCode.Full | - |

The field mappings for Dynamics Placement to ebs Organisation Link are described in the following table.
Source TDX Field | ebs API field | Notes |
Client | OrganisationCode | Account number from linked Organisation. |
Placement date | StartDate | - |
“EMPLOYEE” | Type | - |
“Y” | IsSponsor | - |

The field mappings for Dynamics Application to ebs Application are described in the following table.
Source TDX Field | ebs API field | Notes |
Programme | CourseId | Product number from linked product. |
Student/Learner | PersonCode | ccl1000_srs_contactid from linked Contact. |
Application Status | ProgressCode | - |
N/A | SponsorOrganisationCode | Organisation number from the Organisation. |